May We Roll Together
Saturday 10th May 2025
11am to 11:30pm
Sessions For All Ages
All skaters under 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian aged 18 or over on the family and relaxed sessions.
Please look out for the following buttons below when ordering your tickets.
Rollerworld Foundation (RWF) Donation, If you would like to donate to the foundation to help rebuild RW2 we have added a button on the ordering page, these are in multiple of £5. We would like to thank you for your support, it really is appreciated.
Gift Ticket is a way of giving a a free session to a child that may not be able to afford to come to one of these amazing events. The cost is £12.50 and for each ticket donated we will supply the child with a pair of hire skates and will allow a parent in for free to watch.
Buy a ticket as a gift, make someone’s day and give them a ticket for there birthday!
Rollerworld is back in action, teaming up with Charter Hall and Colchester Events Company again for a thrilling day and night of skating!
After our last fantastic events at Charter Hall and Inspire Ipswich, Rollerworld is back to bring you even more skating fun.
This is the perfect time to come and let your hair down and bring your best skating vibe. Get rid of those post summer blues and enjoy a day of skating with Rollerworld. Lets make this our best Rollerworld Event yet and celebrate with our fellow Skaters like we have never celebrated before. Lets bring skating back to Colchester with a bang, come and Roll Together!
Don’t miss out on this unforgettable skating extravaganza at Charter Hall Colchester.
Because we are working with Colchester Events Company we will be using the main sports hall so will be able to sell spectator tickets again this time, so please come along and have some skating fun with the family, we will have coaches on hand to help throughout the day.
If you are coming with the kids or just your mates please take advantage of our 4 for 3 early bird tickets and save yourself £12.50 when booking for 4 people.
Tickets on the door will be £15 so book online to save money.
lease Note: Tickets are not transferable please email before 3rd May for a full refund minus your booking fee.
11am to 12pm
Relaxed Skate
Our relaxed session is designed to accommodate everyone. We understand that some of our guests may be completely new, have sensory issues, or disabilities, or use wheelchairs, and we want to provide a safe and happy environment for all.
12pm to 5pm
Family Skate
Our all-ages Family Disco session with games and music from 12pm-5pm bring your best Disco Gear and join us for an epic day of roller skating like no other!
7pm to 11:30pm
Over 14's Roller Disco
Our exclusive over-14s Famous Rollerworld Disco Session from 7pm-11.30pm, complete with games, music, licensed bar, refreshments and more!